Santa Claus is Coming to Glenview!


Santa Claus is Coming to Glenview!

Santa Claus is coming to Glenview!

On Friday, Dec 18 at 5pm, Santa Claus will be zooming in from the North Pole!

Bruce Templeton, author and philanthropist assisted Santa Claus for the past 42 years in more than 1500 visits with children. With his visits, Bruce brings joy and hope to children during the Christmas season. For his volunteer work he was invested in the Order of Newfoundland and Labrador in January 2020.

He is very proud of how children are dealing with the current situation of COVID-19, and he’s looking forward to meeting with them virtually this year!

Part of the Zoom conversation will be a Santa Claus lesson. This Zoom conversation will be designed for children, but EVERYONE is invited to attend!

Please share this event with your friends and families – all are welcome!

We will send out the Zoom link in time for the visit!

Bet you didn’t know Santa is Presbyterian! When he’s not ‘way up north he worships at Saint Andrew’s in St. John’s.

Bet you didn’t know Santa is Presbyterian! When he’s not ‘way up north he worships at Saint Andrew’s in St. John’s.


Advent Study!


Advent Study!

Advent Study!

Plan to participate in our three-session Zoom event.

On Wednesday, December 2 –

There’s Something About Mary

with Natalie

On December 9 –

How do you love a cousin who’s hard to like?

(John the Baptist)

with Laurence

On December 16 –

The REAL Old Saint Nick

with Laurence

All sessions on Wednesday at 7:00.

Watch for the Zoom link.

Photo by Billy Huynh on Unsplash


Update November 25


Update November 25

On November 24 Glenview Session decided that there will be no worship services in the building "until further notice". This means there is no date for resuming services in sight. Some of the current restrictions for gatherings in Toronto will end on or around December 21. At this time it is likely they will be renewed. Others have no end date. For the first time the limits on gatherings apply in full to places of worship. No more than ten people are allowed to gather for religious ceremonies, indoors or outdoors.

If restrictions are lifted in late December it will still be impossible to prepare on site services for Christmas Eve. Preparations are well underway for Christmas worship online. Advent programs are set to begin.

For any foreseeable future, the church must live online.

Our online worship provisions are evolving. We're learning as we go. Those who participate find it a worthwhile experience.

We rely heavily on Zoom. I know some of you are afraid to use Zoom on your computers or devices. It is proven to be safe. It can be uninstalled after each use and reinstalled for each meeting. If you choose not to participate in a Zoom meeting, or you don't have a camera and microphone on your computer, you can phone in via a local number. You can even do that while you're watching on your computer screen.

I'll say it again: As far as worship, gatherings, and programs are concerned, the church must live online. Our website is now the hub of our congregational life.

Please read the following information carefully, and share it with others you may know are not online.

GLENVIEW CHRISTMAS FAIR will go ahead, online. There will be an online store, through which you can view all items for sale and see how many are available. You can easily purchase online through a secure platform, Shopify. You can pay online. You can also choose to pay by cheque when you pick up your purchases. Or pay by e-transfer to Glenview.

We will announce when the online store is open. It will be linked through our website. Pick-up days will also be announced, when curbside delivery will be available. We can also provide contactless delivery if necessary. Sale dates and times will be announced soon in another email, on our website, by word of mouth, and other advertising. Please support your congregation by participating in the sale and recommending it to your family and friends.

2020 OFFERING ENVELOPES are available now. They will be mailed to regular users who we know can't access other ways to give. Mailing envelopes is a costly endeavour. If you would like to receive your envelopes by mail, please email or call the Church Office. Please consider an extra contribution of $10 to help with the cost of postage.

If you haven't already done so, please consider 1) enrolling in Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR) or 2) contributing onIine through Canada Helps or 3) submitting your contribution via Interac e-Transfer. Instructions are on our website, right there on the Home Page. You can, of course, mail cheques to the church or drop a securely sealed envelope through the mail slot in the office door (in the driveway behind the building).

Thank you for your generosity through this strange and troubling time. We've been doing well, though we're well behind meeting our budget. Offerings in October have declined. This may be due to COVID fatigue, or an assumption that Glenview's expenses are down due to the shutdown. Please remember that your church lives on. Bills and salaries must still be paid. Staff work hard to make sure ministry is available to everyone.

ACCESS TO THE BUILDING is restricted to Staff, and they are expected to work at home whenever possible. If you need to come to the building, even if it's just a stop at the door, please arrange a time tin advance. If possible, give 24 hours' notice. Monday through Thursday email or call the Church Office ( and copy to On Friday, access is further limited. Call the office, even if you were in touch on Thursday. If you pass by on Sunday you may notice that James is in the building. He has work to do, including cleaning areas that are occupied by others during the week.

God is with us in this challenging time. Advent begins with words of hope. Our hope isn't dependent on what we can see, or even imagine. It'd not diminished by current circumstance. It springs from the faithfulness of God.

Please remember our Staff in your prayers: Natalie, Jim, Linda, Andrea. James, Peter, Cameron, Parker, Donna, and our new Soprano Section Leader Juiana. They're all at work to sustain Glenview's ministry and mission.

Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash


Portland Place Christmas Stockings


Portland Place Christmas Stockings

One thing we’ll miss this year is our Advent Festival, where we’ve decorated handmade stockings for our friends at Portland Place. Another thing we’ll miss is filling them! This year we’ll fill handmade mini-stockings with Loblaw’s gift cards. There’s a Loblaw’s across the street from Portland Place.

The best way for us to gather the cards is through a bulk order to Fundscrip. Each little sock will hold a $50 gift card. You can contribute by dropping off a cheque, made out to the church, or by e-transfer to Be sure to add a note directing your donation to Gift Cards for Portland Place. (Ordering the cards from Fundscrip means Glenview will receive back 3% of the purchase.)


Fundscrip for Christmas 2020


Fundscrip for Christmas 2020

Fundscrip is one of Glenview’s most effective fundraisers, contributing more than $27,000 since we began to work with them. We have 39 supporters and more are welcome! In COVID time we can’t order and pick up our cards from Shannon. We can still buy our cards online and have them sent directly to us. Fundscrip will pay the postage on orders of up to five cards, adding up to $200 to $500. We can also pay for them through ETF or online bill payment. That saves the premium charged for credit card purchases.

  1. Go to the Fundscrip website.

  2. Enter Glenview’s Group Invitation Code: ESSDHX

  3. Enter your name and email address, choose a password, add your postal code and telephone number

  4. Agree to the Terms and Conditions

  5. Click Support a Group

The Fundscrip site is easy to navigate. You can set up a profile that includes arrangements for payment.

You’ll see Current Promotions first. These are businesses that have temporarily increased the rebate to Glenview. For example, the Ultimate Dining Card, good for 16 chain restaurants (including Swiss Chalet!) gives us 7% of the value of each card, rather then the usual 5%. Many businesses offer an eGift option, which you can use yourself or send to a grateful recipient.

Gift cards make great gifts! You can also buy them to use for regular purchases and support your church every time you shop.


Services at Glenview Suspended


Services at Glenview Suspended

We will NOT worship in our building on Sunday

Once again, due to COVID-19 restrictions, we will not worship together "live" for some time. The return to what amounts to a modified Phase Two in Toronto doesn't prevent congregations gathering.

We are exercising an over-abundance of caution in response to current circumstances. Toronto's Chief Medical Officer has recommended that we avoid all gathering places and stay at home as much as we can.

We don't believe it is appropriate for us to invite anyone to leave their home on Sunday morning. We don't want to put anyone at risk. We've met or exceeded all precautions in order to worship in our building the past three Sundays. Recent announcements regarding conditions in the city, and especially in Midtown / North Toronto are of grave concern. Session will resume discussion of opening the building for services at its November meeting.

We will concentrate on providing the best resources possible for worship on this website.


Virtual Communion on Sunday


Virtual Communion on Sunday

For Worldwide Communion 2020 it's fitting that we remember the first Virtual Communion was Lunar-Terrestrial. Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin rested, waiting for the word to leave the Lunar Module, Aldrin radioed Houston and said, “I would like to request a few moments of silence. I would like to invite each person listening in, wherever and whomever he may be, to contemplate for a moment the events of the past few hours and to give thanks in his own individual way.”

Then Aldrin unwrapped a package he'd been given permission to carry with him. He brought out bread and wine. He invited Armstrong to join with him, but he declined. He participated by watching as Aldrin read John 15:5 and Psalm 8:3,4. Then Aldrin celebrated the first Virtual Communion, as everyone at the control centre in Houston observed a time of silence.

Buzz Aldrin is a Presbyterian Elder. He got a blessing, and a Communion kit, from his Minister. It was the best way Aldrin could imagine to commemorate the significance of what his colleague called, "One small step for a man. One giant leap for mankind."

For some of us our first Virtual Communion in June was a bit of a leap. Still, we appreciated the experience of community, whether it was live or recorded. On Sunday we will take a few moments at the beginning of Coffee Hour to share in Communion. What does it matter if we are in a church building, at home, or even on the moon? we will be together.

If you would like to participate, please have some bread and a beverage (wine, juice, water, or whatever you like to savour) and follow the service. Laurence will preside from his home.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 847 4865 0398

Password: 547282

Dial by your location

       647 374 4685

       647 558 0588

Aldrin Communion Kit.jpg


Fall Bible Study on Zoom


Fall Bible Study on Zoom


A six-session study on Zoom

beginning Wednesday, September 30 at 7:00 p.m.

Led by Natalie and Laurence

How is God named in the Old Testament?

Is the Old Testament God the same as the Christian God?

Is God a Mother AND a Father?


Zoom Invitation

Glenview Church is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Old Testament Concepts of God

Time: Sep 30, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

       Every week on Wed, 6 occurrence(s)

       Sep 30, 2020 07:00 PM

       Oct 7, 2020 07:00 PM

       Oct 14, 2020 07:00 PM

       Oct 21, 2020 07:00 PM

       Oct 28, 2020 07:00 PM

       Nov 4, 2020 07:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 872 0840 5486

Passcode: 273918

One tap mobile

+16473744685,,87208405486#,,,,,,0#,,273918# Canada

+16475580588,,87208405486#,,,,,,0#,,273918# Canada

Dial by your location

       +1 647 374 4685 Canada

       +1 647 558 0588 Canada

Meeting ID: 872 0840 5486

Passcode: 273918


Returning to Worship at Glenview


Returning to Worship at Glenview

open door glenview.jpg

Returning to Worship at Glenview

We will worship in the Sanctuary on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. We’ll be following precautions required by Toronto Public Health and our pastoral concern for all who come.

We need to know in advance who, and how many will attend. Please call the church (416-488-1156) between 1:00 and 9:00 p.m. on Saturday. Leave a message to tell us you plan to attend, and who will be coming with you. There is a page on our website on our website you can use to register your intention to come.

When you come on Sunday morning you’ll find that the only entrance to the Sanctuary is through the main (east) door into the Narthex. Please be aware that entry will take more time than usual. Come early. The door will be open by 10:00 a.m. Please observe physical distancing as you approach the door and wait to enter.

Just inside the door there will be someone to greet you. You’ll clean your hands. If you don’t have a mask, one will be provided for you. You’ll wear a mask inside the building at all times.


When you step further inside someone else will greet you, and ask you to sign in, with your name, telephone number, and email. You’ll also answer some questions about your health, contacts with others, and travel. We need that information in case we have to provide it to Toronto Public Health. In the unfortunate event that someone who has attended our service is tested positive for COVID-19, TPH will carry out contract tracing.


You will be directed to enter the Sanctuary through the centre doors. As you approach that entrance you’ll find a place to leave your offering. The plates won’t be passed through the pews. If you’ve been giving by mail, online, or through PAR, please continue to do so.


When you enter the Sanctuary, someone will greet you and escort you to one of the safe spots for seating. We will have about 50 places for individuals, couples, or families to sit at the appropriate distance from others.

The Balcony, West Transept, and Chapel will be closed.

Families with children will be invited to sit toward the front of the Nave, so they can see and hear elements of the service that are especially for them.


If you think you’ll need a sip of water during the service, please bring a filled water bottle. If you need to go to the washroom, you may leave the Sanctuary through the door to the right (west) of the Chancel. The Accessible Washroom beside the Office will be available. There will be room for one person to wait outside the washroom door. There will be no other access to the corridor.

If you bring a jacket or sweater you will not be able to hang it in the Narthex. You may find you need it in your seat. All windows and doors will be open, to provide as much ventilation as possible. (Overhead fans won’t be running. They’re designed to defeat natural ventilation and save heat in winter.)

You won’t be offered a service Bulletin in the Narthex. There will be no Hymn Books, Psalters, Bibles, or copies of Living Faith in the pew racks. All announcements and words for worship will be on the screens.

For the time being we will worship without congregational singing. There will be worship music and spoken prayer. You can hum or whisper behind your mask. We will greet one another, and share the Peace of Christ at distance, with gestures. Worship Leaders will speak behind a screen.


The service will not fill an hour. Some familiar elements will be missing. Our time together in one space will be limited, as is advised for indoor gatherings.

 At the end of the service, please stay in your seat until you’re directed to move to the west aisle. You will enter the Narthex and move to the left. The west door will be your exit. There are some stairs on the way to the west door. If the steps are a barrier for you, please wait in your seat until someone can guide you to the east door and the ramp outside.


 We’ll continue to post worship resources on our website, for those who can’t come, or who choose not to come out of concern for their health.

 Our Virtual Coffee Hour will continue on Zoom, beginning at Noon.




Partnership with Evangel Hall


Partnership with Evangel Hall

Glenview is a longtime partner of Evangel Hall Mission in downtown Toronto.

The COVID-19 lockdown has presented challenges for EHM, and for the residents in their 13-storey apartment tower. Staff worked out a way to safely receive donations of clothing and other items, like bottled water. When the call went out, we responded right away. Donations came directly to the church. Shannon Wiggan also invited regular Fundscrip customers to buy and donate gift cards so she could purchase some items.

Natalie Jahn received donations at the church. She and Shannon took everything down to the Hall on August 26. Thanks go out to everyone who helped.

EHM still seeks donations. Contact Natalie educationoutreach[at] if you’d like to help.


Meet Natalie Jahn

1 Comment

Meet Natalie Jahn

Glenview welcomes Natalie Jahn, Leader for Christian Education and Outreach


My name is Natalie Jahn, and since Tuesday I’m working as Christian Education and Outreach Leader with Glenview Presbyterian Church.

As I haven’t met most of you yet, let me briefly introduce myself.

I’m 27 years old, and was born and raised in the southwest of Germany. Since my confirmation, I was actively involved in the congregational life of several churches, and later on in social work through volunteer work and internships. Through that work, I discovered how much I love working with people, listening and reflecting together upon the relation of life and theology. I studied Protestant Theology in Heidelberg, Germany and Beirut, Lebanon and finished my studies with a Master of Theology in 2018. As I continue to be interested in academic studies, I’m still connected to the University of Heidelberg through my PhD in Practical Theology.

In 2018, I came to Toronto to join my husband who is an ordained Presbyterian minister, and soon afterwards, I started working with Leaside United Church as Interim Youth and Young Families Leader.

If I’m not busy with church work or my PhD, you might find me doing sports, reading or spending time with friends.

I’m very much looking forward to getting to know you and the many programs at Glenview Presbyterian Church. Christian education and outreach have always been fields of interests of mine, and I have been actively involved in both areas in Germany, Lebanon and Canada. I’m excited to continue learning and to explore creative ways to live and share God’s love together at Glenview and beyond.

You can reach me through my email address:

I’m looking forward to hearing from you and getting to know you in the following weeks and months!

Warm regards,


1 Comment

Sunday, September 13?


Sunday, September 13?

When will we have services in the Sanctuary again?

That's the BIG question!

Session met by Zoom on Tuesday evening to form an answer. Our target for a first service in the building is Sunday, September 13. This is a target. Circumstances beyond our control may change our plans.

A Team has been named to formulate a policy and procedures for opening. This is not just about worship. It covers all access to and use of the building. After worship, rentals are of great importance. The Team represents Session and the Finance and Property Team, Members are Laurence DeWolfe, Bob Gannon. Eileen Graham, Carla Lyon. James Mason, and Nancy Thornton. They have been commissioned to develop all protocols necessary for us to have a service in the Sanctuary on September 13; and to do the same work regarding rentals and all use of the building from outside the congregation.

What do we know so far about returning to the building for worship? Worship won't be what it was. Coming back to the building doesn't mean going back to the way things were on Sunday, March 8. The way we're present to one another when we gather will be different. Music won't be the same. Congregational participation will be limited. Preaching will be different. Services will be shorter.

Will we still have worship resources online? Yes. In order to reach as many people as we can, we will continue online. For the foreseeable future this will be with recorded content. The goal is to combine live-streaming and recording. This will be the new norm. There will be regular worshipers who simply can't risk attending a public gathering. Others will choose not to come on some Sundays, out of an appropriate abundance of caution.

There are so many more questions! Yes. That's why we'll all need to watch this space! There will be communication via all media available to us, as often as possible. That includes informed word-of Please hold those important questions for now. Many of them can't be answered yet.


Presbyterians Celebrate Pride Month

Presbyterians Celebrate Pride Month

You have to register to attend but it’s easy to do at Here are some of the details and participants:

The evening of June 26th
Rev. Charles Fensham – preaching
Rev. Mark Chiang – leading communion
Rev. Paulette Brown – call to worship
Chris Fischer – music
And others…




Phase Two Comes to Toronto on Wednesday!

This move forward for the Greater Toronto Area comes earlier than many of us expected. Start lining up for haircuts now! The big shift will take time. Don't expect any big changes until next week. Businesses and professionals will need time to prepare.

This big step forward doesn't alter Glenview's plan to postpone setting a date for the first service back in the building until Session meets on August 4. We've anticipated some of the things we'll need to do to return to the sanctuary, but there are many decisions to be made before we can open the doors.

Many people in the city have already discarded masks and no longer observe physical distancing. Many more will do so on Wednesday. Vigilance and caution are still required. Medical experts say we should all wear masks in public if we can. Because many people whose breathing is restricted can't mask, it's essential that the rest of us mask. Even more so from Wednesday onward. It's been noted that there has been no increase in infections in cities where massive Black Lives Matter demonstrations continue. Why? Because so many people are wearing masks or other face coverings.

Kitchen Reno FAQ’s as of June 22, 2020

Who is on the Kitchen Renovation Committee and how is it supported?

Representing Finance & Property, the Committee is chaired by Ian Ferguson. Committee Members include Bob and Anne Gannon, Martha Hackney, Margaret Taylor, Margaret Menegon and Ruth MacDonald. Laurence DeWolfe and Norma McIntyre have participated at critical junctures. F&P and Session have been briefed through the process and the Renovation project has the active support of both groups. At its May Zoom meeting Session agreed that the project should move forward without delay.

How did the Kitchen Design get developed?

The Committee first met to develop a briefing document that outlined processes and equipment to purge, essential elements to retain and new areas and items to consider in the creation of a modern, relevant kitchen. The Committee conducted field visits to Churches with renovated kitchen facilities. These ranged from small warm and serve kitchens to full-scale kitchens preparing large volumes of meals for diverse service groups such as Meals on Wheels and daycares.

Additional input came in the form of photographs of other new and renewed Church kitchens and interviews with Church operators and appliance suppliers.

A revised briefing document was created and provided to the Architect who has engaged a professional Kitchen design consultant to bring the inputs into a plan. The plan has undergone 3 iterations based on the input of the Committee. In addition, the increased clarity regarding existing electrical, plumbing and structural considerations has been incorporated as available.

How will the new kitchen be “safer”?

1. Reduced traffic flows around hot stoves

2. Improved (easier to clean) surfaces for food preparation

3. New ventless dishwasher to clean and sanitize with slide through access (rather than bending and lifting full trays of dishes and clouds of hot water vapour

4. Designated Hand Wash station

5. A separate stream for food waste and soiled dishes

What is the timing on the renovation?

The current plan calls for completion by early November. The schedule is, of course, subject to change. We are helped by the fact that there are no permits for structural changes required but contractors are now limiting crew size on site as a COVID-19 precaution. This means that trades such as carpenters, plumbers and electricians likely won’t be able to be on site at the same time so things may take longer.

Why are we spending money on a kitchen now?

The Glenview Kitchen has been an important part of Church life for generations of Glenview families and the community. It will be in the future, as well, providing we make changes to our layout and modernize the appliances we depend upon. Renovating now will allow us to emerge from the trials of COVID-19 with a resource that shows we at Glenview are committed to a strong future of fellowship.

How much will this cost?

Final costs will only be determined once Tenders are received so we have assumed a cost envelope in the $175,000 - 200,000 range for planning. This target was arrived at based on estimates for design, engineering, cabinet and appliance costs, finishes and actual construction costs.

How will Glenview pay for this?

The Kitchen renovation represents a Capital Expenditure, not an operating cost, so it is not reflected in the 2020 Annual Budget. Funding can come from Glenview Funds such as the Bequest Fund. In addition, specific gifts to the Kitchen Renovation Fund and grants from groups such as Out of The Cold will provide additional, important funding. At present, Memorial Fund Donations, gifts and grants to the Kitchen Renovation Project total over $60,000. As the project gets underway, it is expected that this total will continue to grow without impacting regular Glenview offerings. In addition, up to $100,000 will be available from investments, as part of the Centennial Project.

What are the next steps?

Plans have been submitted to a selected General Contractor to size costs and allow for final revisions to the Tender Documents. The finals will be presented to 3 General Contractors for submission. No structural changes mean a much simpler and hopefully faster process for permitting. The City has reopened the permit application process

Do we need to get approvals from Heritage Toronto?

No. There are no alterations to the exterior of the building, so no additional approvals are required.

Does the gas range have to be replaced?

No. The installation of the new stove and the accompanying ventilation/fire suppression system is a huge win for the renovation. The WA made absolutely the right choices at the time so no changes are now required. In fact the ventilation system was oversized at the time so it could provide coverage and protection for additional ovens or stoves.

With new appliances, will we have as much storage?

Yes. In fact, we will end up with more accessible storage space. Cabinets in the kitchen will be supplemented with floor units along the shared wall in the Church Hall. This can be accomplished without impacting line of sight or usage of the Hall.

There isn’t much natural light in the kitchen. Will we lose the one remaining window?

No. The window on the North wall will remain. The fact that the new dishwasher recycles water vapour rather than releasing it into the kitchen should create a more comfortable working environment.

Presbyterian Connection Newspaper

We can't distribute the Summer Issue in print. Once again, Glenview gets good coverage in the popular Photos section. We're trying for coverage in every issue! For those who don't subscribe, here's the link to the electronic edition.



When will we open our doors?


When will we open our doors?

When will we open our doors for Sunday worship?

The GTA is still in Phase One of Ontario's staged opening after lockdown. But houses of worship all over the province can open for services. This calls on us to weigh the risks and benefits of resuming worship in the building, especially because we are in Toronto.

Some communities of faith have decided to open the doors to their worship spaces sooner, rather than later. We've found that most Presbyterian and United Churches, and all Anglican Churches in Toronto, will open later, rather than sooner.

Glenview Session has decided not to open for worship right away. Session will meet again on August 4 and set a date for worship in the building then. In the meantime, worship will continue via resources posted on the Glenview website.

Laurence DeWolfe will be on vacation through July, returning on August 4. James Mason will also be on vacation. He will return on August 9.

The number of people permitted at Weddings and Funerals has been increased, but not to the extent of the allowance for a congregation's regular worship.

As we must always say at this interesting time, more news to come!


Zoom to the Rockies! Now With Video!


Zoom to the Rockies! Now With Video!

An account of Donald Chu's adventure mountaineering in the Canadian Rockies, and the wonders of the General Mountaineering Camp, with the Alpine Club of Canada. Donald presented this program live on Wednesday, June 3.





Communion for Pentecost

By Session decision, and after an online discussion on Thursday evening, we will celebrate Holy Communion, virtually and live on Sunday. Those who would like to participate are invited to a Zoom meeting on Sunday, at 11:15 a.m. The invitation is below. Rev. Laurence and Rev. Janet DeWolfe will preside. Please set aside a beverage (juice, wine, or another beverage with flavour) and some bread (of any kind). You'll receive instructions before we proceed. If you can't participate at 11:15 the event will be recorded and posted with the Worship Resources for Sunday. We'll discuss the experience afterward.

Pentecost Communion

Sunday, May 31, 2020 11:15 AM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 2314 2302

Dial by your location

       +1 647 374 4685 Canada

       +1 647 558 0588 Canada

Meeting ID: 874 2314 2302

There are two separate Zoom meetings. One at 11:15 for Communion and another at 11:30 for Coffee Hour.





Our worship content may not be live (though recorded live!) but our after-service fellowship over coffee and tea continues. We meet face-to-face (face-to-faces) via Zoom, Sundays at 11:30 a.m.. The invitation and sign-in details will be sent out by email on Friday.





April 29, 2020

In keeping with the extension of both provincial and municipal Emergency Orders, Session agreed last night to continue the suspension of services, meetings, and rentals until May 31. We are waiting for the Premier's press briefing later today, when he will release more details of the three-stage plan for "re-opening Ontario". It's not clear whether Phase Two of Phase Three will allow us to open Glenview. We know things change from week to week, even day to day. As the Premier said, "It's a map, not a calendar."

The Virtual Coffee Hour on Sunday was a great success. At least 50 people were present for at least part of the gathering. The April Session meeting was also held via Zoom. It seems Zoom serves us better for meetings than for worship. Next Sunday, May 3, worship content will be pre-recorded and posted. We'll also meet for another Virtual Coffee Hour. One blessing of gathering by Zoom is the ability to bridge distances. It was great to share time with Francie Maroosis, from her new home in Guelph.

We weren't able to celebrate Holy Communion on Easter Sunday. Our next Communion is scheduled for Pentecost, May 31. If we are able to have a service in the church on that date, we will proceed more or less as usual. If worship is still online, Session has agreed to follow the example of many congregations and share the sacrament virtually. The Presbyterian Church in Canada's position is that there may be very particular circumstances under which such a practice is allowed.

Our ministry team and staff continue in their work. No one has been laid off. Our Bookkeeper, Andrea, works from home. Treasurer Barbara picks up mail at the church, does the banking, and stays in touch with Andrea. Andrea is tracking all the figures and has thoroughly researched Glenview's eligibility for financial assistance from the federal government. James and Fabian work in the building separately, completing tasks set by the Property Team. Laurence is in the main office and his own office several times a week. He checks for messages and sorts mail. Other times he works from his home. Jim is at home, visiting over the phone. Peter works with Laurence and our choir Section Leaders to prepare worship for Sundays. If at any time there are more than one person in the church building, appropriate distance is maintained.

Our regular distribution of Metro grocery cards will continue in May. We were able to share the cards in an appropriate way on April 7th and 8th. May dates are the 5th and 6th.

Thank you for your ongoing support during this strange time. A special thank you to those of you who have come to Glenview and deposited your envelopes through the mail slot! Some have had to stand on their tiptoes!

The best things we all can do at this time is follow the instructions of our leaders and medical experts. Pray for them, that they may have wisdom. Pray also for the members and friends of our congregation who work on the front lines in hospitals and nursing homes, and for the families of those who are in care but can't be visited. Give thanks for the many ways we continue to be connected to one another.


Worship While Services and Studies are Cancelled


Worship While Services and Studies are Cancelled

During this difficult time, when we can’t meet in our church building, we have to feed our souls at home. We can stay in touch with each other by phone or email. We can pray, read our Bibles, and meditate anywhere. But we’re accustomed to preached messages and assisted prayers. Knowing that we’re hearing and praying the same words as others in our congregation can comfort us. Here are some suggestions.

  1. The complete March 15 service is available in audio on our Sermon Podcast page.

  2. This website includes an archive of sermons by several preachers since at least 2015. If you’d like to listen to a sermon you will find a link to the scriptures for that sermon in the introduction to the recording. If you know someone who isn’t into technology, but would like to hear a message, you can play it for them on your phone.

  3. Check this website for Bible Study resources. The last three sessions of How to Read the Bible 1 are online.

  4. Beginning on Wednesday, March 18, Laurence will post a daily reflection on weekdays, and a message on Sundays.
