Christmas Eve Service

December 24, 7:00 p.m.

Our service will be hosted on Zoom and (if technology cooperates) be live on Facebook and YouTube. It will be a combination of live and recorded content. The complete recording will be available on our website and YouTube channel as soon as possible.

Music that our musicians have been busy recording for several weeks will be the highlights of the service.

The service will conclude with lighting the Christ Candle. You are invited to have a white candle-- a fresh one if possible-- so we can all light the candle together to signify Christ's birth.

We can uphold the spirit of our Christmas Eve celebration, though we'll miss the splendour of our traditional service.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 860 2118 7804

Passcode: 372089

Dial in

647 374 4685 Local Call

647 558 0588 Local Call

Meeting ID: 860 2118 7804

Passcode: 372089
