September 29, 2021

Session has agreed that Proof of Full Vaccination is required of everyone older than age 12 who wishes to attend worship on Sundays.

If you make a reservation online, you'll be asked if you are fully vaccinated. This is effective immediately. When you enter the building for the first time, your Vaccination Receipt and ID will be checked. On future Sundays you will still indicate on your reservation form that you are fully vaccinated. If you make your reservation by phone, please include your vaccination status in your message.

We will continue to follow the advice of Toronto Public Health and exercise precautions inside the building. That includes opening windows and doors to achieve the best ventilation possible. We know that means the sanctuary may be chilly. Please bring a jacket or sweater.

This news may be a little confusing. You may have heard that churches have been exempted from the provincial requirement for Proof of Full Vaccination at gathering places. We are joining with churches and temples around the province in choosing to impose this requirement. The Province of Ontario's decision to exempt places of worship does not reflect the fact that religious gatherings without restrictions have proven to be sources of infection.

We delayed opening for services because we believe, "Because we can doesn't mean we must." At this time we are saying, "Because we don't have to doesn't mean we won't."


We will observe World Communion Day with a celebration of Holy Communion on Sunday, October 3, on Zoom, at 11:30 a.m.

Session has decided that we are not prepared, yet, to have a Communion service in the sanctuary. Toronto Public Health guidelines still discourage communion services with more than a very few people. Our communion plates and trays are still in storage, and our kitchen isn't ready for prep or cleanup. More important are our ongoing concerns for spreading infection, even with greatly altered methods of serving the bread and cups.

The 10:00 service will proceed as usual. It will be like an old-fashioned Preparatory Service before the Communion Service. The service will be cut a little short to allow time for those who wish to participate to get home, get some bread and juice ready, and sign in to Zoom. The Zoom link will be our usual Coffee Hour link.

Thank you for your continued co-operation and patience as we navigate our way through COVID-time.
