March 2 - April 14

Take a worshipful walk along Jesus' journey to the cross! Crossings: A Journey to Easter is an all-outdoor art exhibition featuring 16 art pieces depicting the scriptural stations of the cross. Set at sites throughout downtown and midtown Toronto, Crossings draws upon the centuries-old Christian spiritual practice of walking and praying the path that Jesus took on his way to the cross. In this exhibit, the Stations are captured through sacred art pieces expressing the dramatic moments of Jesus’ final hours.

This pilgrimage-style Journey to Easter will take visitors figuratively along the journey that Jesus took through unjust suffering leading to redemption. It will offer an opportunity to reflect on what the Jesus story offers as a way to respond to the contemporary social justice issues of today.

There are ten Crossings Downtown Stations and six Midtown Stations. The Journey to Easter Arts Exhibition begins with Alpha - The Triumphal Entry, located at Knox Presbyterian Church and concludes with Omega - The Resurrection, at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church. For visitors wishing to walk the 10 Downtown Stations, it will take approximately 1-1/2 to 2 hours. Visiting the six Midtown Stations will take approximately 1 hour.

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